Centre Base

Centre Based Program

Qualtime owns and maintains a modern purpose built facility that is the hub for our Day Program. Our Day Programs are specifically tailored for people with disability to enjoy an inclusive and engaging environment.

We are dedicated to ensuring you have the opportunity to share new experience, develop new friendships, learn practical life skills and have FUN. Our Day Program focuses on delivering tailored, meaningful activities to our Clients that directly align with their identified NDIS goals and aspirations.

Our Day Program operates 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday with transport options available to eligible participants. Our staff members are experienced, trained in Client procedures, have contemporary ideas and especially love to have fun.



Cooking Gardening Board Games
Arts and Craft Computer Activities/games Sewing
Sailability Swimming Bowling
Sport and Fitness Football Matches Movies / TV / Foxtel
Theme Days Wii Singing / Karaoke
Dancing Wheelchair Dancing Fishing
Music Appreciation Pamper Days Picnics & BBQ’s
Train, Bus and City Cat Travel Library Beaches and Parks
Gym Music  Therapy Sensory Room & Outdoor Area
Volunteering Opportunities Swimming / hydrotherapy Bunnings DIY Workshops
Innovative technology Wood working Animal Days


Life Skills

Shopping Cleaning Money Handling
Nutrition Safety Telephone use
Communication Hygiene Travel Training
Decision Making


Social Outings

Fine Dining Movies / Theatre Disco
Beach/Country day out Pubs & Clubs South Bank Precinct
Markets Live Entertainment Exhibitions
Events around the greater Brisbane Area (Ekka, music/food festival etc)